My holiday has started
My trip has ended
I'm supposed to head home
But im still here in the UK
thanks to MISS FEVER who chose to visit me yday
how nice of u!
and so,
here i am still stuck in the UK
else i would have already reached home by now
but oh well
only GOD knows why
all i can hope is that
i'll fully recover by end of this week
MISSY left
but still feeling energy-less
and MR.NAUSEA decided it was his turn to visit me
screw u!!!
My Clock
Unexpected Visit ><
Posted by m e i x i n at 6:27 PM 0 comments
done done done!
wooo huuuuuuuuuu!!
cleaned my room, pretty much done packing!!
counting down my days =D
less than 24 hrs i'll be off to stratford-upon-avon : first stop of my trip!
in 2 weeks i'll be back in KL!
hahaha. . .
i'm all hyped up!
getting ready for my trip
getting ready for home!!
i'm loving this week!!
haahahha. .
Posted by m e i x i n at 8:04 PM 0 comments
-the end-
haahha .. . yes. . exams over, uni life's over
no more waking up early for lectures and tutorials;
no more skipping classes because i dun feel like attending;
no more rushing of assignments;
no more stressing over exams;
no more strategizing on what topics to study;
no more bull-shitting in classes.
but im kinda missing it already ><
the fact that i'll be starting a new life coming october,
makes me wanna stay in uni longer!
i dont wan it to end,
but that's just life.
the end of a journey, is the beginning of another.
i should just enjoy my 3 weeks of travelling within the uk,
before heading home
and yes!
i'm going home!!
and i cant wait to see the familiar faces that i havent seen in 3 months
hahaahha ..
some may ask: "why go back so early??"
well, my answer is, cuz i bought my tix already
initially, my plan was to head home to look for jobs,
but since i've got one, i'd love to stay around and travel
but too bad, bought tix adi, no point paying extra to change the dates
oh welll, i shall go as many places as possible this 3 weeks
- windsor, birmingham, stonehenge, stratford-upon-avon, lake district, alnwick, edinburgh -
that it at the moment, willtry to fit in more if possible! hahaha =D
mx did something terribly wrong
and she's feeling terribly guilty.
i cant type it out here
cuz i dunno if that person will read my blog
but yea. . . i'm feeling dreaful for what i've done
and yes, i shouldnt have cross the line
took things for granted, and now
i'm facing the consequences
god bless me
will u?
Posted by m e i x i n at 4:20 AM 1 comments
IQ level = 0??
Was reading and I came across the above article, and my reaction was
c'mon dude!!
killing people in the afternoon -suspected to be high on drugs-
like seriously
even if u wanna break in
grab some stuffs from their housee
just break / snatch / steal
enough adi la!!
such brutal killinggg
sometimes it just makes me wonder what were they thinking man.
i mean, imagine your family being SLAUGHTERED
how would u feel?!?!?
really makes me question their IQ level
ohwaitt . they even have one??
else stuffs like this wont be happening, wouldnt they?
the society these days is so FUCKED UP
that every steps taken to make it right seems to be tougher each days
bless you government in making things right!
Posted by m e i x i n at 5:57 AM 1 comments
- I really wanna visit those places
- It's holiday baby!!! of cuz la go have fun
- I MIGHT not have the chance next time!!!
- Ima soooooooooooooooooo tempted to go
- Paid for airticket laaaaa ~~~ denggggg!!!
::Not to go::
- Stupid ass H1N1 swine flu!!! bodoh!! stupid!! babo!!
- i'm so darn brokeee!!!!!!!!!! seriously looking for sponsorships
- Then I can visit other places in the UK with mah gooooodie friendssssss since this is my one and only year here, and they still ahve lke. . ONE more yearr!!!
- Save moneyyyyyyyy ~~~ hahahahaha . .. *look who's talking*
hmmmm. . . .so far those are the things i can only think offf.. . . seems like i have more reasons to go than not to go.!!! hah!! so . . i should just have fun, and not think too much, , huh?? hahahahahahahha. . . .
aihzzz .. . . cham nesss , , exams havent over adi start thinking bout holidayyss. . yao mou gao chor!!
there're just tooooo many places that I wanna go, but yet, i have so lil timeeee
::Places that i wanna visit within the UK::
- edinburgh - hahahah . . i knowit's scotland, , but heck laa.. i wana go edinburgh!!
- liverpool
- newcastle
- stratford-upon-avon
- swindon
- reading
- gloucester
- cheltenham
- coventry
- stonehenge
- nottingham
- leeds
- derby
- sheffield
::Places that I MIGHT go::
- nottingham
- derby
- stonehenge
- swindon
- stratford-upon-avon
- liverpool
::Holiday Planner:: *if as planned*
- 26th May (right after AIC) - no plans yet
- 27th May - maybe Swindon
- 28th May - no plans yet
- 29th May - no plans yet
- 30th May - Barcelona
- 31st May - Barcelona
- 1st June - Barcelona
- 2nd June - Barcelona
- 3rd June - Barcelona to Madrid
- 4th June - Madrid
- 5th June - Madrid
- 6th June - Madrid to Valencia
- 7th June - Valencia
- 8th June - Valencia
- 9th June - Valencia to Madrid to Provence
- 10th June - Provence
- 11th June - Provence back to London
- 12th June - Liverpool with Sheik and Jia (still pending)
- 13th June - no plans yet
- 14th June - no plans yet
- 15th June - no plans yet
- 16th June - no plans yet
- 17th June - no plans yet
- 18th June - no plans yet
- 19th June - London
- 20th June - London
- 21st June - London
- 22nd June - back to KL
which meansss .. i have 10 days to fit in the "places that I might go"
aihzz.. enough a??
Posted by m e i x i n at 6:47 AM 1 comments
thats my current mood
its good =)
Posted by m e i x i n at 7:51 AM 0 comments
emotions should not control me
i should control it
reminding myself all the time
i wanna break free
from this pain you gave me
i'll soar up high
i believe i can
Posted by m e i x i n at 4:22 AM 0 comments
From the Bottom of my broken heart
How was I to know I'd miss you so?
Loneliness up ahead, emptiness behind
Where do I go?
And you didn't hear
All my joy through my tears
All my hopes through my fears
Did you know, still I miss you somehow
From the bottom of my broken heart
There's just a thing or two I'd like you to know
You were my first love, you were my true love
From the first kisses to the very last rose
From the bottom of my broken heart
Even though time may find me somebody new
You were my real love, I never knew love'
Til there was you
From the bottom of my broken heart
"Baby," I said, "please stay.
Give our love a chance for one more day
"We could have worked things out
Taking time is what love's all about
But you put a dart
Through my dreams through my heart
And I'm back where I started again
Never thought it would end
You promised yourself
But to somebody else
And you made it so perfectly clear
Still I wish you were here
From the Bottom of my Broken Heart
-Britney Spears-
If you are reading this, this song truly reflects my emotion from then on.
Posted by m e i x i n at 4:00 AM 0 comments
no turning back
Posted by m e i x i n at 6:30 AM 0 comments
walking through the gloomy maze
all alone in the dark
i shivered i panicked
i cried for help
with all my courage and heart
i tried to find my way out
you said you would be there when i called
but all i saw was
a dark and eerie path
i calmed myself
i tried not to cry
i told myself
its not worth the try
i relied on you
but you left me all alone
i realized
you are nothing afterall
u said i meant the world to you
but your actions don't prove them true
i start questioning
what am i to you
u walked out of my life
without a single trace
my efforts in finding them
were swept away
told myself to rely ownself
never trust anyone else
giving them ure everything
is not worth the wait
no one is worth
except for yourself
hearts are not meant to be opened
to everyone easily
hold back
keep them
never give it to someone else
in search of your trail
i knew i had to make my own
i grew i understood
and now
its time for me to
live for my own
Posted by m e i x i n at 4:38 PM 0 comments
灿烂的太阳 被灰色的云朵遮住了
却无法达成, 多么的失望
全心全意 用经全力 向前冲
心碎了 梦毁了
的希望 的它
一天比一天 失望
Posted by m e i x i n at 12:38 AM 0 comments
every night
i lie on the bed
forcing myself to fall asleep
but nothing seems to be working
what's making me stay awake?
my thoughts? my worries?
am i really thinking alot?
but what am i thinking?
what worries do i have?
why do i feel that its starting all over again?
my feelings my mind my focus
im afraid!
afraid of the past
afraid of the future
i dont know what lies ahead
and that scares me
what do i want?
what can i do to find out
what i really want
torn in between such situations
i cant seem to find a way out
and i guess
thats slowly killing me
my drive my motivatin my fire
they're slowly fading away
Posted by m e i x i n at 8:50 AM 0 comments
Dream and Discover
A new day, a new life, a new journey, a new excitement, a new adventure.
Been thinking a lot these few days. Realised what is worth hanging on to and what is not. All journeys have their beginning and ending.
The start of an adventure is usually excited, anticipating, yet nervous, having to figure out what lies ahead; facing it with enthusiasm, believing there's no gloomy days ahead, just bright and sunny days.
As the journey moves on, dark and gloomy days appear, finding it difficult to cope, and constantly complaining the existence of such days, fighting over immaterial matters; distorting the whole adventure, slowing things down, and yet making through the hard times, which brings us to a new day, a bright one indeed. A bright and sunny day, humming our favourite song, enjoying every happy moments we spent. But, such times end quickly without even realising it. Going through such times, blinded by what's left in front, believing this is the right one, not discovering the undiscovered, what a waste.
A tiring yet adventurous one, been an up- and down-hill ride, going through it from time to time, getting bored and sick of it, but not wanting to end it, see no diversed path, still holding on to initial beliefs, convincing it will work - time will prove it.
Posted by m e i x i n at 5:25 AM 0 comments
Blinded before
things happened for the past few weeks which made me lost all my concentration. i cried, i blamed, i complained.
thinking back on what i done, i feel so stupid right now.
what was i thinking?
i have my own life to live. the future is bright ahead.
at least i am happy with my life right now. suddenly i realised so many things that i never knew all these while. it's surprising to hear that honestly, but im glad.
at least i know the truth, and i'm happy with it.
Posted by m e i x i n at 12:35 AM 0 comments
life is a journey
its been pretty long since my last post. . *dead blog*
well. . a quick update on my life so far
- easter break started end of march
- visited sheik at manchester
- visited ron at birmingham
- visited prague
- twisted my ankle at prague
- ron came down to bristol
- met up with jia and went around bristol
- went to the mobile theme park at the Downs
- emo-ed *some of u might know what happened*
- tried revising for finals, but failed
- emo-ed even more
- went to the library for group revision
- now revising at hme :) *more effective i should say*
- made things clear (=
- miss hanging around with my frens *haven't been talking to u guys much lately*
- went for my first acupuncture session at bristol to treat my ankle, but apparently found out more about other problems *darn expensive, i'll be soo broke by the time i finish my treatments*
- attending jia' bday bash this sat
- dont know wht present to buy
- classes started *last week of classes for my degree year* i don't want it to end!
- really have to focus on revision
- exams in 2 weeks
- summer holiday trip in one month
- back home in 2 months
Basically, books lecture notes tutorials additional articles blackboard calculator and table is what my life is all about right now.
My final exam is up in 2 weeks should concentrate hard on it. i dont want to just pass. i want to score but im doubting myself. been lazing around alot - facebook msn tvshows, basically my laptop is my main distraction right now!! -
Time flies without even me realising it. i cant believe that i will be finishing my degree programme soon. the memories of entering college life is still so fresh in my mind, moreover uni life. it seems like just yesterday i started college, and here i am ending my course in 1 month's time. gosh.
been keeping in touch with high school mates recently and, to be honest, it does feel good, but the sad thing is, it brings back all the high school memories that we shared, and makes me want to turn back time, and never leave that period. to all youngsters out the *gosh i sound old, , pfft* enjoy your high school years. they are THE BEST YEARS OF YOUR LIFE. *sigh, , right now, i do regret not being active that time*.
the best thing about high school, to me, is having all your classmates around with you, spending the best times with them - fooling around, sharing the happiness and sadness, gossiping, causing chaos in class, eating in class, sleeping in class, skipping class, texting in class, hiding all our stuffs when we know there are spot checks. . . . .. and the list goes on and on and on.
it really makes me cherish my high school mates alot, realising that they are the ones closest to us, and knows us best. they are by far the ones whom you can trust most, and will always be there for you no matter what happpens. no doubt friends from college and university can be your true friends, but to me, most of them are just friends whom you can mix along, have fun with, but not when sharing your deepest thoughts. *well, thats to me, not everyone thinks so* :)
gosh, , i really miss high school. how i wish i could turn back time, but then, life is all about moving on. the end of a journey is abeginning of another journey. and it goes on and on. all those memories will definitely remain in our hearts till the very end of our journey. it's always good to think back the good and bad times we've been through, and it makes you cherish them more than anything . .
Posted by m e i x i n at 4:05 AM 0 comments
Posted by m e i x i n at 5:08 AM 0 comments
Mixed Emotions
No more assignments!
Im done with my final assignment
I'm freeee
yooo hoooo. . . . .. . . . . .
screwed up sleep time
screwed up meal time
all cuz of assignmnets
been sleeping really lately (4 - 5 in the morning)
i look so worn out
one month break at least
before i start my final battle
and i really mean itt
their service sucks!!!
1. flight delayed
2. seat was spoilt - had to sit straight for 13 hrs, the service button was not working
3. my baggage couldn't make it on time due to the delay
4. when i went back Bristol, my baggage was DAMAGED - got a deep scratch from it. thank god it wasn't rusty, otherwise would need to go hospital and check! You're lucky KLM!!
5. reported my baggage damage, took them awhile to reply me
6. no repsonse from them after that
7. sent another mail a wweeek later, no response,
8. sent another the week after, no response
9. this time was frustrated, complaint like mad, and thank god they responded by stating i would receive a response SOON
10. received response 1 MONTH LATER - im like wth
11. excess baggage came collected my baggage last friday *happy*
12. this morning returned the bag to me WITH NOTHING DONE!!
dont they know that after service is important
customers are have big impact
like me!
damn u
but i should be happy
Posted by m e i x i n at 12:13 AM 0 comments
tiring ><
stupid assignment
screw u!
Posted by m e i x i n at 12:27 AM 0 comments
my back hurts badly!
i have no idea why
i need to go to the doctor!!!!!
Posted by m e i x i n at 5:59 AM 0 comments
Is it all worth the money?
i dont care what people say to me
i know what i am doing and i know what is best for me
daddy and mummy
i'm sorry if i wasted ur efforts
but in the future
i will do my best to repay what u have done for me
i appreciate all ur efforts
and coming to the uk made me realise alot!
thank you for everythng
and i love u both alot!!
family will stand by u no matter what
and i realised the importance of family
daddy mummy and everyone
i love u all so much!
Posted by m e i x i n at 8:30 PM 0 comments
Back Again
Posted by m e i x i n at 7:06 PM 0 comments
Posted by m e i x i n at 12:57 AM 0 comments
mx dont like u @______@
Posted by m e i x i n at 3:06 AM 0 comments
Lazing Around
Posted by m e i x i n at 2:33 AM 0 comments
a r g h h h h h
Posted by m e i x i n at 3:30 PM 0 comments
beginning this afternoon
Posted by m e i x i n at 3:12 AM 1 comments
Posted by m e i x i n at 7:13 PM 0 comments
Posted by m e i x i n at 11:51 AM 0 comments
Change, Different, Transformed
Posted by m e i x i n at 5:43 PM 2 comments
loser m i ?
Posted by m e i x i n at 4:36 PM 0 comments
What a Day

Posted by m e i x i n at 10:15 PM 0 comments