My Clock
LUCKY explains everything
Posted by m e i x i n at 12:10 AM 0 comments
What Hurts the Most
Was Being So Close
Having So Much to Say
and Watching You Walk Away
Posted by m e i x i n at 2:51 PM 0 comments
Posted by m e i x i n at 3:13 PM 0 comments
Happy Happy Happy
after such a long time without internet, i will learn to appreciate the importance of internet in my life!!
and my poor blog abandoned by me again
but since now internet is done and im going home soon
i'll be able to update my blog more often
Im uber happy atm
- internet
- paris
- home
- assignment done!
still have AIC reading to do
and when i'm done with that
i'm gonna enjoy my holidays to the max!!
till then
c u my friends!
msia here i come!!
Posted by m e i x i n at 8:29 AM 0 comments
相处容易, 相住难
我在想啊: “到底是我太敏感, 还是他真的那么讨人厌呢? ”
那。。 为什么他不告诉我呢??
我曾经告诉过我自己 - 包括妈咪,
现在的我也学会自私了 - 好? 坏?
不是完全, 但至少我变了!!
我要你知道, 我不会让你失望。
Posted by m e i x i n at 11:48 PM 0 comments
my poor blog - abandoned
hmmm. . . .. . .
stupid internet still aint working!!
making my life difficult
assignments presentation work - all coming up !!!
but then . . .
c u soon
Posted by m e i x i n at 7:10 PM 0 comments
Im Going Home!!
the other day, nosnim asked y didnt i update my blog
and it makes it harder for me to blog and upload any pics i took
i just received an email saying that I CAN SIT FOR MY JAN ASSESSMENT AT TAYLORS!!!
this means
cant wait to go home
cant wait to meet everyone back home
cant wait for the FOOOOODDDD
MALAYSIA ~~~~ here i come!!
approximately 2 months!!!
hahahaha.. IM LOVIN IT!!!!!
happy happy happy
no longer emo and annoyed!!!!
Posted by m e i x i n at 9:50 PM 0 comments
Thank You!!
heyo pple!!
am at uni's lab noww
internet still aint working
yday was my birthday
had a blast!!
went cabot tower with my frenz - elaine zhongli aston jiwoong -
met up with one of my BFF - jia hui -
went there together as well
the view from cabot tower was awesome
too bad, cant post it here
havent upload
but will upload soon ;)
just wanna say tq to all my frenz for their wishes
really appreciate it
have to go soon
gotta catch a bus to the train station - going down london
gonna meet several pple - my BFFs sheik jean and teng, my cousin and his gf, and my housemate
hope that everyone's doing great
and im hoping that internet connection back home can work soon
cheers pple ;)
Posted by m e i x i n at 9:00 PM 0 comments
Life at bristol
Fcking internet connection still aint working
Had fun the other day - some what bonding sessions with housemates - Oliver and Chris
1st session - had to assemble dining tables and chairs
- with housemates and landlord's family
- was pleased it happened and yet made me realise more things
2nd session - had monopoly after dinner at my room
- was the craziest and noisiest monopoly game ever
- modernized monopoly with credit cards
- partnerships and trades
- 3 hrs monopoly which lasted forever
- tiring but fun ;)
Meanwhile learnt new word that day - fubar (fcuked up beyond all recognition)
quite a cool word that the locals use
Will update more as time pass
Posted by m e i x i n at 8:29 PM 0 comments
1st day at uni
Classes just started
1st lecture was so boring - a middle eastern lecturer with weird slang
talks very slow
worst than my lectures at Taylors - im beginning to miss them ;)
2nd lecture - missed it
this module has 2 lectures
when we went for the induction last friday, one lecturer said that we would have to attend the 1st lecture to know what the other lecture is for
timetable shows that the 1st lecture was at 5.30 while the 2nd was at 3.30
so, we assumed that we need not attend the 330 one
so, we went back after 1st lecture which ended at 1230
walked home had lunch and left at 400 to the bank to settle some stuffs
at the bank, we met a coursemate - saw her holding this really thick book - which is the module's lecture notes
wondered how she got it
went over asked her if there was lecture at 330
and she said YESSSSS
wthhhh - - - -1st lecture and we've already msised it - bad impression - gone
that's how we ended up not going for lectures
life at bristol so far is OK
not great not bad
just OK
the environment here is awesome - love the greenery
however i miss the food back at kl
the food here are all the same - uni's food : sandwich and jacket potatoes in every uni bar
sick of the sandwiches and chips
other than that
bristol is not badd
have only been exploring the shopping malls
havent explore other places - esp sight seeing and scenery
looking forward to it
and hope bristol doesnt dissappoint me ;)
as for the pictures,
will be uploading as soon as my house's internet connection is fixed
stupid internet - aint working for such a long time
take care people
Posted by m e i x i n at 12:04 AM 0 comments
Bad Internet
Stupid internet connection aint working for the past 2 days
at Ji Woong and Aston's place now
Im just hoping that the connection will be fixed asap
Posted by m e i x i n at 12:54 AM 0 comments
Day 2 @ Bristol
Im not sure if its the room prob or line prob
but yeah ITS FANNOYING without my phone
screw it
went bristol city centre today for lunch wf elaine zhongli jiwoong and aston
city centre is nothing like kl
the shopping mall has NO RESTAURANTS
we were all so hungry - on the way to city centre
so when we reached , the bus stopped in front of a shopping mall
we thought that we could find food there
but NO. . .. . NOTHING WAS THERE - except this cafe which sells sandwiches - not filling!!
but then a gain, managed to pamper myself with 2 new boots costing GBP20 each - quite cheap good quality nothing like KL's sungai wang's quality - so its definitely worth it
Oh yah one of our housemate is really weird
Landlord told us he has a pet LIZARD
zl and elaine tried "looking for it"
but they couldnt find it
cuz landlord said its under the table
And he mumbles to himself - like talk to himself and smile in public : we met him at the bus stop.
As for another housemate, he'll be in the coming week
and so we wont know how he's like until we meet him
but his room is so nice decorated - you wont know that it belongs to a guy ;)
Other than that - bristol is nothing like london.
really miss london ALOTTT!!!
hopefully classes will start soon
then time will gonnna pass very fast
and then in no time
i'll be back home
cuz i really miss home
Posted by m e i x i n at 5:51 AM 0 comments
just settled down at bristol
new home new place new life
surprisingly beginning to miss home now
Posted by m e i x i n at 3:30 AM 0 comments
New Journey ;)
My new journey at UK had started
Reached london 2 days ago (9/9/08)
Its been tiring these few days - went out sightseeing, shopping - AND ALOT OF WALKING!!
Really really tired.
Currently have the time to blog bout it, cuz m at cousin's place now
and we dont intend to go out at the moment - m all drained out - ;)
Anyway thats all i can think of at the moment ;)
Mind switched off now ;)
Posted by m e i x i n at 7:35 PM 0 comments
It's over and it's packing time
This means
to start
which means
I'll be leaving
SOOOOOOON (less than 2 weeks)
Feeling "not ready to live" at the moment. . . .hahahahahaha
Just came back from luna bar. CHilled out with SHeik and Teng.
Seems like the coming days would be busy - packed with appointments - let's c
1. 29/8/08 - Dentist appointment : Removing Braces - hope so ;)
0- Finalise and confirm all info required to open a HSBC account at UK
2. 30/8/08 - Free yoga classes with Shu Wen - my cousie @ Gardens.
- Haagen Daaz later at Mid Valley + Shopping
- Anthony's birthday celebration at Neway at 12 midnight till 5 - plus my farewell 2.
3. 31/8/08 - Genting holiday with bf
4. 1/9/08 - Back from genting and dinner at rawang (aunt's restaurant) : farewell dinner wf family
5. 2/9/08 - Follow up session with Dr Haniz and medical check-up
6. 3/9/08 - Free at the moment ;)
7. 4/9/08 - Date wf darlings - Sheik and Teng ;)
8. 5/9/08 - Free at the moment ;)
9. 6/9/08 - Dinner at Marco Polo with family ;)
10. 7/9/08 - Day out with bf ;)
11. 8/9/08 - Flying off
Hmmm. . .. . my time is so packed and I have so little time left in KL. SIghhhhhhh
Posted by m e i x i n at 12:59 AM 0 comments
Crazy Me
Posted by m e i x i n at 9:55 PM 0 comments
Posted by m e i x i n at 11:35 PM 0 comments
Those Days
Just came back from Jean's house.
A really great day - memories all coming back < :
Went for movie - Redcliff 赤壁 - at Mid Valley with Ron, Shake and Queenezy
After movies went for dinner at Yuen Steamboat with my BFFs - Shake, Jean, Teng and Jia.
It's been a while since the five of us had dinner together - apart from the dinner at Dao-rae.
Food was alright, except for the oh-so-hard-to-get chicken wings - pple were literally flocking over the chicken like nobody's business : seriously, it's hard to describe and u'll have to see it to believe it.
After dinner, went over to Jean's place - what we used to do back in form 5 : chat crap gossip take pics and many many more : didn't have this for a REALLY REALLY LOOOOOONG TIME.
Really tired now but I dont feel like sleeping.
Have to study but NOOOOO my laziness is taking over me.
Posted by m e i x i n at 11:57 PM 0 comments
Accommodation (Toronto Road)
For Zhong Li and Elaine. . .
Video 2: Lower Level's Large Room
Video 3: Living Hall + Kitchen + Garden
Video 4: Upstair's Bathroom
Video 5: Upstair's Double Bedroom
Pic 1: Outside of the house
Pic 2: Side door to the garden - also accessible from the front
Pic 3: To the left of the main entrance , about 600m - bus stop and convenient store
Pic 4: Other houses for rent
Pic 5: Roundabout outside UWE
Below are the comments made by my cousin:
a. Condition : not too good - old and abit of carpet smell (those house around that area are all very old ie 1930s and i bet the condition can not be any much better than what i've seen)
b. Surrounding - its generally college/uni kind of students. Surely black people are present but not concentrated (they are everywhere anyway). Well, its not a porsh area and i guess you shouldn't expect more?
c. Other things that you shoud know:
i. the good stuff: there's two bus that goes from your area (toronto road) to the uni. I don't know the second one but i manage to try bus 70 (operated by 'first). One bus at each different end of the road. - bus 70 is about 5min , and the other about 1min.For bus 70 - it takes around 10-15min to your UWE, along the way, there's retail shops ie halfords, McD...and loads of others. Bus is about 30min interval.
ii. Convenient store - have got one just at bustop - 5 min away- not too bad
d. other contract stuffs:
i. waterbill/sewerage - landlord pays
ii. council tax - not applicable for students and hence required to pay
iii. internet/phone/gas/electrivity - tenant (how much? - the landlard is a complete duh - can't even give me an estimate - they are really old - as old as the houses there)
iv. room rates - GBP206 for the small room, 240 for each other big rooms
v. tenancy period - at least 6 mths contract : can the tenancy period be extended up to Nov
vi. repair - all will be done by landlord upon you calling them. they will bear the cost unless is something not related to wear n tear
vii. kitchen utensils - included
viii. who maintain garden and reduced rent during July' & Aug (forget to ask about this but by the sound of it - she doesn't even want to reduce a penny - which leads to my second point below)
ix. can you take whole house & will it be cheaper (yes- u can take whole house and sublet one out yourself but rates will not be any cheaper - she was suggesting that she's offering about GBP40 per month cheaper than others - maybe u can find this out with your friend?
Do let me know what u gurls think ASAP
- whether to go ahead with the accommodation or not -
P/S: Recent Updates from my Cousin.
hi there. well i think there's something u guys need to consider. i've only been able to view one unit and hence couldn't tell how it fare against the rest. but based on June's casual questions to those who knows Bristol, you couldn't expect more. nonetheless, u have to remember this - u can NOT compare the house that u r staying against mine. Mine is <10yrs>
Posted by m e i x i n at 5:07 PM 0 comments
Form 5 Gathering
Last Saturday (26/7/08), went Pyramid for "5 Lambda 2005 Class Gathering"
The gathering was scheduled at around 1.30 pm. However, when Sheik and I arrived at around 2.30pm, only Lily, Nicholas and Teng were there. As for the rest, they were not there YET!!
So, the 5 of us headed over to Pasta de Gohan - quite interesting place to go as they combined japanese style with pasta, fusion i guess -
While waiting for our seats, Khee Wei and Amir arrived. So, those were the people for the day, at the moment. 7 of us out of 30 students , quite depressing actually.
Nevermind then, we finally got our seats and i guess the place was jinxed or something like that. When taking a group pic, khee wei's camera slipped from his hand and landed on the floor!! Fortunately, it was OK!! =)
After we had our food, we talked. We talked bout those old times and took the opportunity to keep up with each other's life. It was a really nice time to chill out with old friends and get to see that everyone's doing great. Not long, Lily had to leave, leaving the 6 of us - Amir, Teng, Khee Wei, Nic, Sheik and Me!! -
Then, Khee Wei decided to chill out Yogur Berry - cuz he wanted to eat the "Frozen Yogurt" ;) -
Before that, Nic called up Doug and Julian to join us and they agreed. So, we went called for the bill and headed to Yogur Berry.
Yogur Berry!!!!!!!
Really nice interiors - all pink, heart shapes : quite gay for guys tho ;D -
So, Sheik, Teng and I ordered a Double Frozen Yogurt with Dragonfruit, Mango, Banana and White and Black Choco Chips. It costs us RM5.25 per person :] .
While waiting for our yogurt, we played uno - the deck of uno was on the table - , and before we even started, Doug and Julian arrived ;)
That was a really great time to hang with old friends as it really brought us closer - despite not meeting each other for quite some time -
Although we did nothing much that day, it was really a nice time as i get to see my classmates.
Anyway, all the best to all my friends in their future undertakings and we'll meet up, again, someday. ;)
Posted by m e i x i n at 2:02 PM 0 comments
Back From Redang
I Like!!!
It's been a really fun and tiring trip!
I love the sea and the beach. . It's so CLEAN!!!!! - really really clean - unlike other beaches -
We arrived at the Hotel at around 11.
By the way - Laguna Redang is where they shot 夏日的抹抹茶 - so, you can see the MORE MORE TEA INN : btw, the hotel plays the movie 24/7.
Basically, that was my first day @ Laguna - kinda wasted tho. Sad me ;(
Day 2 @ Laguna Redang


Day 3 @ Laguna Beach
Woke up at 9 - suppose to wake up at 530 : to see the sunrise.
I really wanna go back there!!!!!
Really have to get myself out of the oh-so-busy-and-hectic-city
REDANG. . . . . .. I'LL C U AGAIN ;)
Posted by m e i x i n at 12:42 AM 0 comments